
TV set backgrounds, which are out of your control

1) Dress To Impress Research the style of the show and dress to suit - although you may look great more formally dressed than the interviewers, dressing a little more casually while maintaining your sharp grooming can be better. For example, seasonality and fashion comes and goes and if your wardrobe is like autumn, but your two hosts' clothes are dressed for the middle of summer, it is too different and not a good look or connection. 2) Check Your Set Background TV set backgrounds, which are out of your control, can be distracting. Watch the show beforehand to get a feel. For example a painting behind your head can be very distracting. Here the angle of the camera, when on you only, for the most part can give the perception of the left hand edge of the frame "growing" from your left shoulder. Many viewers can find this a little distracting, a bit like a photograph of someone standing in front of a tall tree where the photographer has not considered the background and the tree protrudes from the subject's head. 3) Look At The Camera (in a natural way during conversation) Often you spend most of the time looking at the presenters which is natural. However these are not the people you want to connect with, so a suggestion for live interviews is you look directly into the camera more. This allows the people watching to look into your eyes while you are speaking. For example, try to arrange your position so that when you are speaking with the interviewers you also have some eye contact with the camera and therefore the audience at home. Avoid looking down when you pause in the middle of a conversation. This does not look good. You may try to speak more accurately, but it is often much better to show it in a natural way. More : myp2p xmarks myp2p x-factor myp2p xbox myp2p x myp2p xbmc add on myp2p.com myp2p yankees myp2p you myp2p yahoo answers myp2p yes myp2p yahoo myp2p.y myp2p e eu myp2p yes channel myp2p for you.net myp2p.yp2p myp2p zambia myp2p.z myp2p ze myp2p zoeken myp2p za myp2p.biz myp2p zb myp2p. zaragoza barcelona uktv-myp2p.zip myp2p new zealand france myp2p 0 www.myp2p.org myp2p 1 myp2p 1 3 myp2p 118 myp2p ufc 129 myp2p ufc 128 myp2p ufc 130 myp2p ufc 133 myp2p ufc 124 myp2p ufc 127 myp2p ufc 123 myp2p.eu myp2p2 sports myp2p2 soccer myp2p2 live myp2p2.info myp2p2 alternative myp2p2 forum myp2p2 football myp2p2 boxing myp2p.3u myp2p .3 myp2p.3eu 3 www myp2p eu competition 3 wy myp2p eu competition myp2p sky sports 3 myp2p nfl week 3 myp2p.eu on playstation 3 www 3 myp2p eu my p2p 4u net myp2p 4 you myp2p4u eu myp2p 4 u football my p2p 4 myp2p for you myp2p 500 internal server error myp2p 50 myp2p 5 50 similar myp2p sites myp2p nfl week 5 wec 51 myp2p myp2p.eu 502 bad gateway myp2p cctv 5 wec 50 myp2p myp2p ufc versus 5 myp2p 60 sites myp2p 60 myp2p nfl week 6 myp2p 7 myp2p 77 myp2p windows 7 myp2p nfl week 7 myp2p download windows 7 myp2p week 7 myp2p nfl week 8 myp2p 95 myp2p.eu 95 myp2p nfl week 9 canal 9 myp2p sopcast sopcast channels sopcast android sopcast for mac sopcast download sopcast euro 2012 sopcast cctv5 sopcast player sopcast ipad sopcast mma channel sopcast iphone sopcast apk sopcast app sopcast abc

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